I got Alfie the DSLR for my birthday, he is a Sony a200k. Alfie the Alpha :) He is quite epic. I love him. I shall post some examples of his fine work further down.
But yeah. My birthday. Raaather crap, really. Haven't done anything for it, wanted to, had it planned in my head what days I'd see who.. didn't happen.. haven't seen my friends. Well I saw Dani and Catherine today.. but nothing birthday related. Just big eye. Hmm.. don't really know what to think about the whole.. none of my friends getting me birthday cards.. or presents.. or anything.. makes me sound selfish.. but sjust like.. I don't go to their school anymore so I'm forgotten about.. Well Dani hasn't and has said she ordered me stuff then made me feel bad by reminding me I never re-ordered her christmas present which got lost in the post or something and ehhh yeah blarg.
S'paranoia. Seem to be getting that a lot recently.
*sigh* So.. so far 17 isn't better than 16 :P
Went to the butterfly zoo in Symonds Yat on saturday with my mother and sister.. was alright, took pictures of butterflies. Most were fails. Some were pretty cool, though.
I dunno what to say, really. My life is just schoolyexamyrevisionyness, friendsbeingcontrolledbydopeheads and feelingisolated at the moment.
And then I find myself debating in my head as to whether or not I want my fringe back.
I need to sort my head out really.

This was for 'birth' task. It's a tad failfocus because they were in lil glass rooms so it was hard to focus. I thought it was quite a cool idea though.

This was for 'science fiction'. I didn't really like this one, I did two other edits (below) of which I prefer the second. The moderators chose this one though.. each to their own.. 8-)

I love Rhys. X
le fin.
love you more :) and mods are gay :p
and we get next Friday together :)
sorry sorry sorry sorry :(
if it helps, my mind is quite the same.
and I promise you will have a present by the weekend. and a card. which i will have made. from.. cake.. yeah.. cake..
ohh umm and caitlin said she found an epic website from which she is ordering your present. so yes. presents are coming, they are they are they are!
I have your present upstairs, and it's epic.
I m sorry I should have rodered it before, and we miss you. You weren't forgotten about, we just are big un-organised failtards. Sorryy :(
I fail at cards. Remember christmas cards? They were fail :(
p.s. your pictures are the best ever. :)
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