Just thought I'd post up my three Shoot Nations pictures. If you wanna know what the competition is exactly here's the website. My pictures are also now in the gallery for 2009 if you wanna check them out :) As are Dani's, who has also entered.
The first brief was 'Because I am a girl / Because I am a boy'. Here's what I did:

My caption or theme was 'I must take interest in beauty'. I don't particularly know why I chose that theme.. I guess it's quite relevant to the modern teenage world, all this 'pressure from the media' etcetc. Catherine clearly being my beautiful model.
The second brief was 'What's holding me back?'.

I think this looks like the cover to Avril Lavigne's first album... don't let that put you off, please. The theme I picked for this tied in with the first picture; 'Pressures to challenge the majority'. I did a long exposure after the Pigeon Detectives on Saturday whilst there were lots of people there. It came out surprisingly well, usually my attempts at photos like this are just giant blobs of 'what?'. There was quite an amusing version of this photo in which there is a pair of doc martens next to Catherine (Dani's feet).. I should put that on faceborg, shouldn't I.
The last brief was 'What could I be?' (yeah, they like the CHEESE factor, clearly).

I know, I used old photos for this *sob*.. blame the weather. And my extreme lack of creativity. So the theme I went for was 'I could be at peace with myself', which also ties into the other two. You have no idea how long it took me to think of a theme for this one that would actually translate into image form easily.. I think this looks quite cool though. I just hope the shoot nationy people don't mind that it's technically two photos.. we'll see I guess.
Well that's it I guess, they announce the winners on August 12th.. the deadline is tomorrow. The winners get some epic Olympus camera..