AS level results were not as bad as expected. I got my A in media :D and a nice and safe B in Psychology and Drama. The E in music was just the proof I needed for my inability to do WJEC music. I got a U in the written paper. This is the first time I've actually been given a fail.. bar the time I got 10% in an A-A* paper in maths.. but that doesn't count. But yeah, I officially fail at music. Which is odd, considering my A* in music GCSE.
Music has gone byebye now, s'all good.
Having only three lessons will be good.. means I can go to the gym a lot more and hopefully have some very empty days in which I can go to Cardiff to see Rhys. Ohh yeah, Rhys got into Glamorgan with his ABB grades :D S'cuz he's awesome :) This means I'll be living on the train though, hopefully. If it can be fitted in my busy schedule.. well, that's if my interview at Waitrose today was successful.. God I hope it was, you have no idea how much I need the monies D:
School starts next Thursday. This is less than a week.. not impressed. I've done nothing this summer. As a final 'byebye summer :(' thing, I'm going to Alton Towers with Rhys and his sister Rhiannon (and possibly her boyfriend, John?) on Tuesday, Rhiannon's paying for us to go cuz of Rhys getting into uni :) Should be cool, I intend on going on Nemisis and Rita.. been on Air before and there is no way anyone would get me anywhere near Oblivion. I love theme park nachos, but typically I'll lose my apetite, I always seem to when there is food I really like around me. I also love theme park donuts (it's why I'm fat), they're easier to eat than nachos, so I will definitely be eating them at some point.
That's right, I look forward to theme parks because of the food.
So here is Catherine being Hayley Williams.
This was for some modelling competition she entered with a Magazine.. I don't think they've judged it yet. She stands a good chance though, she does look quite like Hayley Williams.. well, she could look a lot less like her so..
This is a butterfly. There are lots around this year, they like posing on the buddleia just outside the porch.
I am super tired. I promise I'll post up photos and more stuffs tomorrow.. well, I say tomorrow, I mean today.. it's 00:47.